A pre-emergence herbicide for the control of black-grass, Italian ryegrass, brome and other grass-weed and broad-leaf weed species. For use in winter wheat and winter barley.
Product details
Bandur contains the active aclonifen. A unique mode of action for grass-weed control and the ideal mix partner for flufenacet-based chemistry. It is approved for pre-emergence use only in winter wheat and winter barley.
Effective pre-emergence control is a key step in controlling black-grass, Italian ryegrass and other grass-weeds. Using Bandur in a tank-mix with flufenacet achieves high-levels of control thanks to complimentary sites of activity. Aclonifen acts on the shoots as they emerge having formed a film on the soil surface after application. This complements flufenacet which is soil mobile and works on the roots.
Use Bandur in a tank-mix with other chemistry at pre-em. Aim to apply within 48 hours of drilling to a fine, consolidated seedbed free of trash or clods. Aclonifen is not as dependent on soil moisture as flufenacet so there is potentially a little more flexibility to use in dry conditions. However, the best results still come when applications are made with a little soil moisture around.
Before using Bandur, make sure that suitable cultural controls are in place. Delay drilling as late as reasonably possible, ideally mid–late October, to reduce weed germination in the crop.
Delaying until October also increases soil moisture levels which improves pre-em efficacy, particularly of soil mobile actives like flufenacet. It also extends the residual protection further into autumn because cooler, shorter days increase the longevity of pre-em herbicides because which degrade due to light and heat.
• Must be applied pre-emergence of the crop, ideally within 48 hours of drilling
• Apply uniformly to a fine, firm seedbed to form a homogenous layer
• Do not disturb the soil after application as this will affect the efficacy of the products
• Observe drilling depth requirements on product labels (32 mm of settled soil for Bandur)
• Apply using a horizontal boom sprayer, in 200-400 litres of water per hectare as a MEDIUM spray (BCPC category)
• Use application rate of 1.4 L/ha Bandur in wheat and 1 l/ha Bandur in barley.
Aclonifen is a unique mode of action, the only member of HRAC Group 32. It is still relatively new for UK agriculture and has no known resistance problems. Used in partnership with flufenacet, it helps protect flufenacet from further resistance and sensitivity shifts that have already been identified on some farms.
Other actives such as metribuzin, prosulfocarb and pendimethalin can be safely mixed with aclonifen to improve control and prevent resistance. Always use Bandur within an integrated programme that uses diverse modes of action and non-chemical methods to control weeds.