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The 2024 OSR Establishment Scheme

Bayer OSR Establishment Scheme Registration




Our Dekalb 2024 Establishment Scheme provides you with additional OSR growing support and genetics you can trust

You can take advantage of the scheme if you are growing any Dekalb OSR Variety. Should early flea beetle or other pressures prove too intense, however, you will be credited by your seed supplier with £100/bag.

You can claim for the total establishment failure of blocks of 6 ha or more (either as whole fields or as single uninterrupted blocks within larger fields). Payment will only be made for the number of bags purchased for the area lost and this will be rounded down to the nearest whole bag, for example: If you claim for a crop loss area of 10Ha, the total payment would be for 3 bags (9Ha), rather than 4 bags (12Ha) as the additional 2Ha area is not claimable.  

To be eligible for the scheme’s credit of £100/bag, you must:

Claim forms (which will be sent to you with your registration confirmation) need to be fully and accurately completed and submitted to your seed supplier participating in this scheme for validation. A minimum of two photographs demonstrating the crop failure must be included in each claim submission. 

Upon validation your supplier will credit you with up to £100/bag to cover the affected area calculated at a drilling rate of 0.5 million seeds/ha (50 seeds/m2)

If you are growing a HOLL variety (V367OL), please contact your seed supplier directly for information on the HOLL specific Establishment Scheme. Claims must be submitted by close of business 15th September 2024.