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Chocolate Spot

Severe attack of chocolate spot, close up of leaf symptoms & severe disease pressure




Field and broad beans


Red / chocolate brown leaf and pod spots, streaky stem lesions and stained seed. These symptoms coalesce during the aggressive phase of the disease and cause flower or pod rotting, defoliation and early senescence.


Plants can be infected by old bean crop debris, volunteer beans, seed, soil-borne sclerotia or air-borne spores.

Favourable Factors

Wet, humid weather, thick winter crops, poor drainage and frost damage.


The most widespread and serious disease of field beans, particularly in winter crops. Can lead to yield reductions of up to 25 % and under severe disease pressure can cause complete defoliation of the crop and possibly even complete crop failure.


  • There are no resistant varieties

  • Sow winter crops after mid-October to avoid early infections

  • Remove crop debris after harvest

  • Apply foliar fungicides at the first signs of disease from the early flower stage and a follow-up spray may be needed 3-4 weeks later if cool, wet conditions persist.