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Sugar Beet leaves

decis protech

A broad spectrum pyrethroid insecticide for the control of aphids, caterpillars and a range of other pests in a wide range of agricultural and horticultural crops.

Product details

A broad-spectrum pyrethroid insecticide for the control of aphids, caterpillars and other pests in a range of agricultural and horticultural crops.

Product Profile

Active substance

15 g/L deltamethrin


Oil-in-water Emulsion

Pack Size                        

1 Litre

Water Volume

200-1500 litres of water per hectare depending on crop and pest.

Buffer Zone

Aquatic and non-target arthropod buffer zones apply - see below.



Important Information


Max. individual dose

Max. total


Latest time of application

Broad bean
Field bean
Combining pea
Vining pea

500 ml/ha

1.0 L/ha/crop

7 days before harvest


500 ml/ha

1.5 L/ha/crop

7 days before harvest

Brussels sprout and cabbage

500 ml/ha

1.0 L/ha/crop

7 days before harvest

Lettuce (outdoor)

420 ml/ha

1.26 L/ha/crop

7 days before harvest

Mustard (spring), oilseed rape (spring)

500 ml/ha

1.5 L/ha/crop

End of flowering (not less than 45 days before harvest)

Mustard (winter), oilseed rape (winter)

500 ml/ha

2.0 L/ha/crop

End of flowering (not less than 45 days before harvest)

Sugar beet



500 ml/ha

500 ml/ha/crop

30 days before harvest

Winter wheat

Winter barley

Winter oats

420 ml/ha

1.26 L/ha/crop

Up to and including early dough stage (GS 83) (not less than 30 days before harvest)

Spring wheat
Spring barley
Spring oats

420 ml/ha

840 ml/ha/crop

Up to and including early dough stage (GS 83) (not less than 30 days before harvest)

Apples and pears

580 ml/ha

1.74 L/ha/crop

7 days before harvest


830 ml/ha

2.49 L/ha/crop

7 days before harvest


83 ml/100 litres of water

Maximum number of treatments - 3 per crop

7 days before harvest

* Decis Protech also has a wide range of EAMUs (See When and how to apply)

Aquatic Buffer Zones

A 7m buffer zone must be applied (being greater than 5m it is not eligible for reduction under the LERAP scheme for horizontal boom sprayers) to the following crops;

Barley (spring), barley (winter), broad bean, Brussels sprout, cabbage, cauliflower, combining pea, field bean, lettuce (outdoor), mustard (spring), mustard (winter), oats (spring), oats (winter), oilseed rape (spring), oilseed rape (winter), sugar beet, swede, turnip, vining pea, wheat (spring), wheat (winter).

Raspberries, apples and pears

Do not allow direct spray from broadcast air-assisted sprayers to fall within 30m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing waterbody when applied 
to raspberry and 50m when applied to apple and pear, unless a LERAP permits a narrower buffer zone, or within 5m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. Aim spray away from water.

Non-target arthropod buffer zones

Avoid spraying within 5 m of the field boundary to reduce effects on non-target insects or other arthropods when applied to the following crops: broad bean, Brussels sprout, cabbage, cauliflower, combining pea, field bean, lettuce (outdoor), mustard (spring), mustard (winter), oilseed rape (spring), oilseed rape (winter), sugar beet, swede, turnip and vining pea.

To protect non-target insects/arthropods when applied to cereals, respect an untreated buffer zone of 5 meters to non-crop land.

The best available application technique, which minimises off-target drift should be used to reduce effects on non-target insects or other arthropods when applying to apple, pear and raspberry.

Other Specific Restrictions

When used on crops with a greater than 5m non-reducible aquatic buffer zone this product must not be applied via hand-held equipment.