A fungicide for the control of foliar diseases in wheat. Vimoy® contains Iblon® (isoflucypram) the groundbreaking new active substance that delivers unrivalled broad-spectrum disease control.
Product Details
Vimoy® contains Iblon® (isoflucypram) the groundbreaking new active substance that delivers unrivalled broad-spectrum disease control.
For guidance on application timing, see ‘How and when to apply’ Vimoy.
For more details on the benefits of Iblon, visit the dedicated Iblon page here.
Diseases controlled
Septoria leaf blotch. Iblon demonstrates excellent efficacy against Septoria in both protectant and curative situations delivering a significant improvement in performance compared with the benchmark for control, Ascra ®Xpro (bixafen + fluopyram + prothioconazole).

Ion iblon delivers outstanding control of Septoria leaf blotch
Reference: Bayer, 17 trials 2021-23. Applications made at T1. Disease assessments on Leaf 3 at BBCH 45-75. Oversprays at T0, T2 and T3 (uniform within trials but not across trials).
Yellow rust. Iblon delivers preventative and curative control to ensure longer lasting protection and give greater flexibility in application timing against.

Ion iblon delivers outstanding control of yellow rust
Reference: Bayer, 19 trials 2021-23.
Brown rust. Iblon delivers outstanding activity to give reliable and persistent protection against this disease.

Ion iblon delivers excellent control of brown rust when applied at the T2 timing
Reference: Bayer, 2021-23. Oversprays at T1, but no T3 (uniform within trials but not across trials).
Ascra, Vimoy and Iblon are trademarks of Bayer. AscraXpro contains bixafen, fluopyram and prothioconazole; Vimoy contains isoflucypram.
Elatus is a trademark of Syngenta. Elatus Era contains benzovindiflupyr and prothioconazole.
Revystar is a trademark of BASF. Revystar XE contains fluxapyroxad and mefentrifluconazole.
Univoq is a trademark of Corteva Agriscience. Univoq contains fenpicoxamid and prothioconazole.
Iblon is a new class of SDHI, it shares the same pyrazole-carboxamide structure that is common to all Pyrazole-4-Carboxamide SDHIs including bixafen and fluxapyroxad. This group of SDHIs are known to deliver additional greening benefits and this carries through to Iblon, which has been proven to deliver especially strong effects.
The pyrazole-carboxamide supports an increase in the production of nitrate reductase, which supports the plant in uptake of Nitrogen. Nitrogen is a key component of chlorophyll, ultimately supporting the plant to better utilise light through photosynthesis, which helps to build yield.

Vimoy has been shown to improve crop green leaf area above that seen with AscraXpro
Reference: Bayer, Monheim glasshouse trial, 2019.
Application at BBCH 49. GLA assessed 36 days after application.
In addition to this, pyrazole carboxamide also increases the production of anti-oxidant enzymes supporting the plant to manage stress, while also contributing to hormonal balance. One particular hormone that pyrazole carboxamide helps down regulate is ethylene. Ethylene is responsible for ripening and therefore a reduction in ripening allows the plant to stay greener for longer and ultimately delivering more yield.

The extended green leaf area duration delivered by Vimoy supports higher yields
Reference: Bayer, 2019. Products applied at T2.
Iblon (isoflucypram)-based products are likely to set new standards in cereal fungicide performance by providing long-lasting control of leaf diseases and protecting yield potential.
Its discovery and the subsequent engineering of its structure to optimise performance also serve as an elegant example of the deliberate design process employed by Bayer and made possible by a deep understanding of the classes of active substance involved.
To best utilise the performance of Iblon, the active substance in Vimoy, Bayer encourages growers and agronomists to identify what they are trying to achieve. This should involve consideration of anticipated disease pressure based on drilling date, variety, weather conditions and fungicide use history.
In the early stages of a programme, the preference is for a product that delivers activity against diseases including Septoria leaf blotch and yellow rust. In this context, Iblon is an excellent choice.
As the season progresses, the focus will shift to Septoria and the possibility for late-season yellow rust and brown. In this situation, Iblon delivers excellent activity against Septoria, yellow rust and brown.
Regardless of the scenario, Iblon serves as a reliable and powerful tool, providing growers with peace-of-mind and the flexibility to adapt to the season’s disease pressure without compromising protection.
The active substance, isoflucypram is an SDHI and falls into a new sub-group within the SDHI mode of action group. Bayer supports the use of Iblon as part of an IPM strategy. A good disease management programme starts with variety selection and drilling date. When it comes to fungicide selection, recent seasons have shown that when conditions favour disease development, achieving effective protection, especially of Septoria can be challenging. It is therefore important to consider Iblon as part of a suitably constructed disease management programme to avoid over reliance on any one application, product or mode of action.
Guidance on fungicide stewardship is published by the Fungicide Resistance Action Committee (FRAC) and can found here