Pest Management

Beware of ‘green bridge’ when spraying off stale seedbeds
A short gap between spray off and drilling can leave a green bridge for aphids to survive and spread barley yellow dwarf virus into the new crop.
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Pest Management
A short gap between spray off and drilling can leave a green bridge for aphids to survive and spread barley yellow dwarf virus into the new crop.
Pest Management
Cover crops perform a range of functions. From protecting vulnerable soils to promoting soil biology to providing much-needed food for birds and bees, these crops often complement permanent land features such as hedgerows and woodlands.
Pest Management
Nematicides play an central role in protecting yields in the presence of PCN, but what’s the most effective means of managing them, granules, liquids or both?
Pest Management
The 2023 season will be Colin Henry’s third year applying Velum Prime (fluopyram), the liquid nematicide that can be used for both potato cyst nematode (PCN) and free-living nematode (FLN) control.
Pest Management
Velum Prime (fluopyram) has demonstrated strong suppression of spraing symptoms caused by tobacco rattle virus (TRV) on land heavily infested with free-living nematodes.
Pest Management
Cabbage stem flea beetle emergence can be much more prolonged than traditionally believed and volunteers from previous crops have little real value in trapping emerging adults.
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