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Weed Management

Learning from Denmark’s success with spray timing tool

Article overview

More than any other herbicide timing, the success of spring post-ems is dependent on conditions around the time of application. Following success with a decision support tool in Denmark, Bayer is investigating whether it could work here too. The Cossack Tool is nothing to do with horsemen from the steppe, Cossack is the local name for Atlantis OD in Denmark.

Denmark has a considerable area of cereals with 1.25 million hectares predominantly growing winter wheat and spring barley with average yields a little lower than the UK at 7–8 t/ha and 5–6 t/ha respectively. Denmark sits between 55° – 57° latitude, which is equivalent to the area between Newcastle and Aberdeen in the UK.

As it is surrounded by sea, it has a maritime climate which keeps it mild relative to the latitude, rain falls regularly during the year averaging 600-700mm annually. In short, it has a climate and growing conditions similar to the north-eastern United Kingdom.

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  • Herbicides

    Atlantis Star Herbicide

    A highly-effective herbicide for control of grass-weeds and broad-leaf weeds in winter wheat. Atlantis Star is a coformulation of three ALS-Inhibitors (HRAC Group 2) with foliar and some root activity

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