Published on 4th June 2021
Seed & Establishment
Authoritative new early drilling guide published

Bringing together the latest intelligence from across the industry to help oilseed rape growers make the most of early August drilling is an authoritative 20-page guide.
Bringing together the latest intelligence from across the industry to help oilseed rape growers make the most of early August drilling is an authoritative 20-page guide.
Produced jointly by leading crop production and establishment specialists, Bayer and Opico with experts from ADAS, NIAB and Wright Solutions, the new guide provides a wealth of practical advice for early drillers alongside the most important establishment essentials.
To make the most of the valuable opportunities earlier OSR drilling brings while avoiding its main pitfalls, the Guide to Early OSR Drilling identifies a number of important rotational, varietal, machinery and management priorities in a series of easy-to-read sections.
“Making our new Guide available as widely as possible to growers and their advisers across the country will, we very much hope, help them to take full advantage of the particularly good prospects for OSR in the coming season with the least risk,” comments Bayer OSR campaign manager, Lizzie Carr-Archer.
Copies of the Guide can be obtained here.