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Brome Knowledge Hub


Brome Control Strategies for Arable Rotations

Five different species of brome cause problems in arable rotations. Soil type, location and cultivation strategy all affect which bromes cause problems on arable farms. Without a pro-active approach, every farming system is likely to create a niche which at least one species of brome can exploit. This guide gives an overview of how to stay in control of brome.



Check population – identification

The five species of brome are divided into two groups; anisantha and serrafaculus as shown in the tables below.



Common name

Scientific name


Barren or sterile brome

Anisantha sterilis

Great brome

Anisantha diandra



Common name

Scientific name


Meadow brome

Bromus commutatus

Soft brome

Bromus hordaceus

Rye brome

Bromus secalinus


Effective management of brome depends on correct identification of the species causing problems on farm. Identification at earlier growth stages is challenging but possible. However, once seedheads appear in early summer, identification is more straightforward and is a good time to map and plan for next season as well as eliminate serious patches with glyphosate or by-hand.





Weed Life Cycles

Delayed autumn drilling is a common tactic for black-grass and Italian ryegrass control but it is not as effective for some brome species which germinate later in the autumn. Sterile brome and soft brome’s peak germination is early autumn, during September, as such delayed drilling is an effective cultural control coupled with a pre-em herbicide to mop up later germinating plants.

Great brome, meadow brome and rye brome all have their peak germination period during November. This is after typical drilling dates and also some time after pre-emergence herbicides are applied meaning crops are not well protected.

To counteract later germination, drilling later is one option but not realistic on many farms but could make sense after beet, potatoes and maize. Applying a top-up residual herbicide is another option to provide more protection. Liberator, Octavian Met and Alternator Met are all options at the top-up timing.

Great Brome

Great Brome Lifecycle

Meadow Brome

Meadow Brome Lifecycle

Rye brome

Rye Brome Lifecycle

Soft brome

Soft Brome Lifecycle

Sterile brome

Sterile Brome Lifecycle



Spring control of brome

Brome survivors from autumn and any later germinating plants can be controlled in spring using contact acting chemistry. Trial results from Bayer’s Chishill weedscreen show significant 10-20% improvement in brome control by using Atlantis Star as the spring pre-em compared to Broadway Star and Pacifica Plus. Read more about timing, application and efficacy of Atlantis Star


Because brome tends to encroach from headlands, there is the option of targeting herbicide applications to these areas to prevent brome becoming more established and causing infestations in field centers.


Patch spraying

Farmers planning to eliminate patches of brome with Roundup in late spring need to pay close attention to timing. Spraying during stem extension is not advised because sugars and amino acids move up to the growing tip of the plant. Glyphosate will move in the same direction and as a result there will most likely be good control of the head but there is a risk of regrowth from the base of the plant and secondary tillers.

Bromes typically have a three to seven-day gap between flowering and beginning viable seed set. If farmers spray too late, there will still be viable seed produced despite the effects of glyphosate.


Brome resistance risks

There are some cases of herbicide resistance in brome but to nowhere near the extent in black-grass or ryegrass. Pre-emergence herbicides and glyphosate are not affected by resistance, only post-ems.

Research published in 2020 investigating resistance found six brome samples out of 60 which were resistant to Pacifica Plus (mesosulfuron + iodosulfuron + amido) and Broadway Star (pyroxsulam + florasulam). One sample of meadow brome had target site resistance while, non-target site resistance, which is often called metabolic resistance, was present in three samples of sterile brome and one sample each of rye-brome and great brome.

The same piece of research concludes that resistance to ALS-herbicides is rare. However, many farmers have difficulty controlling brome at the post-em timing because resistance is only one factor in herbicide performance. Timing and application technique also need to be optimised to get the best control.

Interestingly, there were no cases of resistance to ACCase chemistry so called ‘fops and dims’ (HRAC Group 2) which gives farmers another option for post-em brome control.



Tackling meadow-grass and brome with pre-ems

Advising farmers in the Highlands of Scotland, Agrii Agronomist John Masonuses the pre-em timing as the foundation for annual meadow-grass and brome control in winter wheat crops. 


“Pre-emergence is the best opportunity to control weeds. Once they are up and in the crop, it is much more difficult to do anything about them.”


Spring barley for malting is the most important cereal in the rotation followed by winter wheat. Potatoes and carrots are also important crops in the Black Isle region just to the north of Inverness. 


“Not everyone grows winter wheat, I’d say it tends to be the larger operations and most of it goes to Whyte and Mackay for distilling. Annual meadow-grass is widespread whereas brome tends to encroach onto the headlands from margins or sometimes in the straw used for carrot growing.”


Effective weed control is important because any green material in the crop can slow down harvest and increase drying costs which are already a significant burden in this part of the world.  


Typical wheat drilling date is from late September into the second week of October. Soils are quite light and free draining so there are not the same concerns over drilling as on heavier wheat land. Added to that, ploughing is still widely used to prepare the ground. 


“Some farmers are doing an upgraded pre-em programme on the headland to prevent brome getting worse. One farmer I advise used Octavian Met (metribuzin + flufenacet + diflufenican) in autumn followed by Incelo (mesosulfuron + iodosulfuron) to target brome on headlands, he was very happy with the result.” 


“Even in lower pressure situations, one litre of Octavian Met at pre-em has been a great addition to the programme. It is a three-pronged attack and has good broad-leaf weed activity as well.” 


“Timing is important, the aim is to always apply the pre-em within 3–4 days to get the best result; drill, possibly roll then spray. As it’s mainly lighter land, we have to be mindful of rainfall and the potential for crop effects, so we use an adjuvant to improve herbicide retention in the soil. We sometimes still see transient effects, but this is better than a field of weeds.” 


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