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DEKALB SiloExtra

More and better milk; higher energy biogas



Revolutionise your maize silage

Welcome to the advanced genetics of next-generation SiloExtra

DEKALB have launched their first early/main crop silage maize hybrids to support progressive producers achieve their livestock feeding or biogas production goals – SiloExtra. As input costs rise sharply and milk prices creeping up slowly, SiloExtra brings maximum quality, and quantity and quantity to fill your clamp and provide highly digestible energy.



Precision breeding and R&D

DEKALB’s powerful precision breeding and R&D capabilities sees advanced genetics delivered to the market. Focused on breeding the perfect and complete maize silage, SiloExtra’s parameters of yield, starch and cell wall digestibility result in a silage maize that exceeds industry KPIs and gives producers the edge in maximising their productivity and minimising their carbon footprint.

SiloExtra growers also benefit from tailored advice, such as density recommendations, with optimum yield achieved when precision grown with tailored insights on your farm from the Climate FieldView™ platform.

Tailored Advice

SiloExtra growers also benefit from tailored advice, such as density recommendations, with optimum yield achieved when precision grown with tailored insights on your farm from the Climate FieldView™ platform.

Key Traits

-          Yield – increased volume per ha

-          Starch – greater energy

-          Cell wall digestibility – greater feed efficiency

-          Early vigour 

-          Lodging/root lodging

-          Brackling

-          Leaf senescence

-          Eyespot disease rating

-          Dry matter at harvest (biogas)


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