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What our growers say about DEKALB

Expertise & Establishment support 



Bayer CTMs are on-hand to work with growers and agronomists to support variety selection, working together to best achieve your goals. In additional support, the DEKALB OSR establishment scheme is here to provide extra reassurance to growers in challenging times. All Dekalb varieties have strong development characteristics, helping them grow away from establishment challenges, however, should your crop fail due to flea beetle or other pressures, you’ll be credited by your seed supplier with £100/bag.

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DEKALB Clubroot

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Associate Brands and Growing OSR

OSR News & Blog

Beware of ‘green bridge’ when spraying off stale seedbeds

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Top Establishment Tips for Successful September Sowing

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DK Exsteel stands out in Agrii northern iFarm variety trials

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Strip Trials Underline Overall Establishment Importance

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Resistance management into practice

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King of consistency adds to its reputation

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Latest hybrids show Verticillium strength

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Raising the bar in clubroot resistance

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Late-Drilled OSR Delivers in Dorset

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Early farm trial results show solid hybrid performance in a challenging season

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Innovation plot trials underline high reliability hybrid value

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First UK Farm Trialling Confirms New Clubroot Variety Strength

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iblon to deliver unrivalled broad spectrum control

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Take special care with early drilling

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Make the most of establishment assurance

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Key OSR growing advantages highlighted in benchmarking study

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Hybrid oilseed rape varieties just more reliable

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Delving into mode of action diversity benefits

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New era for OSR as robust varieties come to the fore

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Latest OSR Benchmarking Suggests ‘Very Decent’ National Crop

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Determined focus on crop architecture delivers Hampshire OSR consistency boost

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Strip trials are ideal variety test-bed for Shropshire grower

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Improve OSR consistency with greater stem health attention

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Digital CSFB Monitoring Shows Great IPM Promise

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Holding-off on OSR harvesting crucial this season

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Farm Trials Show Most OSR Populations Nicely on Target

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Digital revolution allows designer breeding

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ADAS Trials underline DK hybrids' verticillium strengths

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Disease pressure intensifying, but not out of control

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All-round strength earns variety consistency crown

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National Winter Oilseed Rape Establishment Poll

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Good Establishment Means Substantially Increased 2023 OSR Crop

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Latest csfbSmart findings point to better flea beetle control

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National Farm Trials Confirm Favourable OSR Crop Condition

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Substantially Increased OSR Crop Confirmed in Annual Grower Poll

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Making the Most of Spring Development Differences

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DEKALB Hybrids stand out against nitrogen stress tolerance

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Award-winning grower sees substantial improvements

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Worcestershire crop fights-off intense pigeon pressure

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Late-sown Norfolk OSR shows its strength

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Farm trialling helps hybrid choice in Oxfordshire

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Drilling Ramps up with September Rain

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Double OSR Benefits for Borders Dairy Business

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Hampshire OSR improves still further

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Robust farm Oilseed Rape trialling demonstrates strength-in-depth

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Oilseed Rape Trials highlight varieties for later drilling

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Trials highlight varieties for later drilling

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Oilseed Rape Nationwide Performance Gains

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Excellent early farm trial performance

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Grazing forward OSR helps Staffs farm manage risk

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Companion advantage for oilseed rape

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Practical steps to de-risk oilseed rape

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New studies confirm superior OSR nitrogen stress tolerance

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Winter OSR Margins Again Set to Rival Second Wheat in 2023

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Key OSR Risk Management Techniques Highlighted in Grower Study

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Late OSR drilling works a treat in Aberdeenshire

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Growers Not Suffering from Avoiding Autumn Insecticide Spraying

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The National Winter OSR Management Study - 2022

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Benchmark Grower Study Shows Major OSR Turnaround

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Oilseed rape - Bayer Crop Science

Extra Scottish Borders Care Delivers OSR Rewards and Awards

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Double Dekalb OSR Assurance for 2022 Plantings

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DEKALB News & Blog

Recommended list trials highlight key variety strengths

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Driffield recipe delivers despite serious flea beetle pressure

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‘Ex’ strength on show in independent trials

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Southern trials confirm top farm performers

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High oilseed YEN hopes for another Danish crop

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'Exceptional' performance in Cumbria

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Scottish trials underline DEKALB strengths

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Decent yields despite Spring Flea Beetle devastation

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Breaking 5t/ha for the first time in East Cork

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No till recipe really helps in Leicestershire

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DK Expansion Defies Flea Beetle in Hampshire

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Countering Flea Beetle Pressures with DK Expedient

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Arial shot OSR

Minimising Flea Beetle Risks at Establishment

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Minimising OSR Risks with the Most Robust Package

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Stepping up the pace of all-round OSR improvement

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Re-doubling establishment efforts to combat flea beetle in Somerset

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Valuable lessons from organic OSR

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Danish recipe for oilseed rape success

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Tackling OSR Volunteers to curb erucic acid levels

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OSR benchmarking helps Scottish border growers

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Field-scale trialing key to Swedish estate's OSR improvement

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Pushing forward OSR with greater understanding

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Understanding central to OSR improvement

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Arial shot OSR

Determined OSR improvement on the wolds

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Oilseed rape - Bayer Crop Science

Determination delivers with Lincolnshire OSR

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Clearfield central to tackling Oxford OSR establishment challenges

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Clearfield experience underlines value

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Positive 2019 outlook for UK oilseeds

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Oilseed rape - The Big Picture - Bayer Crop Science

Key Establishment Priorities for Dry Conditions

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Oilseed Rape - Bayer Crop Science

Putting the spotlight on OSR establishment improvement

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Oilseed rape - Bayer Crop Science

Latest grower study supports double digit clearfield growth

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Clearfield could reach 20% of 2018 OSR plantings

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Grower's guide to OSR establishment

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Well-focused OSR approach on difficult borders ground

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Oilseed rape

ADAS trials underline OSR pod shatter resistance value

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Certified seed initiative provides extra erucic acid quality assurance

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Grower study sheds light on erucic acid issues in double low rapeseed

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Flexibility is the watchword in Leicestershire

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Management ease drives Suffolk Recipe

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Making the most of OSR opportunities in Shropshire

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Putting a Hampshire OSR rotation back on track

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Holderness Recipe Delivers the Goods

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Clearfield OSR becomes mainstream

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